Thursday, October 20, 2005

"Cause Everybody h-u-u-rts, so-o-mtimes..."

When tragedy strikes a nation there are two kinds of people who sit up and take notice. There are the people who are truly devoted to helping humanity no matter how big or small the crisis. And then there are the other kind whose sole motivation is the evening news. They'll help out as long as the event is covered on the 9 o' clock news. As soon as broadcasters think an event is no longer news-worthy, this second group of people stop caring as well. It's not that these people are necessarily heinously selfish and uncaring, it's just that they lack a certain degree of internal drive and ambition. I think most of us are plagued by this dilemma (your's truly included). There has to be some way of battling this kind of internal stagnation...
"Maybe we must fight the urge to be so involved in ourselves only."

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