Friday, November 18, 2005

Where is my handicap?

I often wonder why we as regular people are not inspired to do anything important on our own?
We have everything going for us. No physical lackings, no mental short-comings and every other need handed to us without so much as a struggle. And yet we do nothing really worthwhile with our lives
and worst of all, we have the gall to complain that we do not having everything.

And then there are those who, through fate, have lost something very dear to them, be it a limb, a loved one or even eventually their lives, that truly shine through as human beings.
But why? Why must we HAVE to lose something to become worthwhile human beings?

I think we are, by default, extremely ungrateful in our existence.What we have is never ever really important to us until we have lost it.

And then one day we lose it...
Losing something dear to us, sparks within us two reactions of great extremes: selfishness and selflessness. It all depends how you wish to interpret your loss. A way to either victimise oneself or to look upon it as a means to strengthen not only your own soul, but the souls of others as well.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Freedom of Speech.....

Yeah, I see that term hurled around alot these days...strange thing is, not everyone is granted this freedom to it's fullest extent, atleast not without fear of repercussions.

And yet there are a selected few who may use it at will and suffer no loss to themselves(but bringing great grief to those whom they've used it against).

Freedom of speech...has to be an irony in terms. I mean people in a society could not live in peace if everyone was allowed to say (or do) whatever they wanted. So why bother with such a term when it cannot apply to humanity as a whole? Why not replace it with "Allowance of limited speech"? By golly it would create much less conflict than the whole "Freedom of Speech" deal.

Everyday I see someone exercising their right to "Freedom of speech" in one country and offending individuals living in another country. Sure as heck, isn't the surest path to obtaining World Peace.
I understand the neccesity of not limiting human thought and having the freedom to express an opinion, but some people just do not have the discretion to even own an opinion.
There has to be a limit to what a person should express openly, after all (no matter how much we'd like it to be true for ourselves) the world does NOT revolve around any single individual, and hence it is essential that we possess a reasonable amount of respect for the opinions and beliefs of others.

Ofcourse, that does not always ensure that someone will not be offended by us, but atleast it's a step in the right direction.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

"Cause Everybody h-u-u-rts, so-o-mtimes..."

When tragedy strikes a nation there are two kinds of people who sit up and take notice. There are the people who are truly devoted to helping humanity no matter how big or small the crisis. And then there are the other kind whose sole motivation is the evening news. They'll help out as long as the event is covered on the 9 o' clock news. As soon as broadcasters think an event is no longer news-worthy, this second group of people stop caring as well. It's not that these people are necessarily heinously selfish and uncaring, it's just that they lack a certain degree of internal drive and ambition. I think most of us are plagued by this dilemma (your's truly included). There has to be some way of battling this kind of internal stagnation...
"Maybe we must fight the urge to be so involved in ourselves only."

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


It shows the height of our uncaring, when a person is speaking and we choose to ignore what they are saying. And it is not because what the other person is saying is sheer nonsense, but because we consider what WE have to say to be far more important!

Egos disguised as words, perpetually battling each other for ultimate supremacy.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

"Two weeks away and the whole world should've changed. But I'm home now and things still look the same..."

I wonder why we get home-sick? Is it the missing of the familiar? But why would any person require the familiar exactly? For Security? What are we insecure about? Having something to call our own? But why should any person need something to call ones own?....Selfishness?

Monday, May 23, 2005


You never really know you are prejudiced until you travel to an international airport. So many kinds of people, all so different from your own self, it is hard not to feel afraid of that difference. It is at that moment that you understand that you too are, on some level, prejudiced.

But, I believe that the sin does not come from possessing a prejudice (prejudice is in fact an instinct a way of protecting oneself from people whom you do not understand and who in-turn do not understand you) but the sin comes from how you react to that prejudice.

All men are different but one should be able to judge accurately what lies inside of men, before dealing with them in harshness.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

"And you are the one thing that I base my whole existence on..."

They're all crazy and their all out there to drive me MAD!!!! Whom do I refer to? My Friends ofcourse!:D
Remember your friends reflect a great deal about who you are.....I must be a %$#^#ing lunatic!:D

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Settle the score.

Forgiveness. Somehow it is not an easy thing to grant to to others.

Wounds too deep, pain too great. How does one overcome? When is a person ever ready to give up the pain? After all, we are not all blessed with happiness after great pain.
How does one overcome?
'Tis true that hatred eats away at the soul like nothing else, but how do you escape the hatred when it has been with you for so long that you cannot imagine an existence without it. It serves you no purpose but pain, but even that pain has become a part of who you are, you thrive upon the evil it brings within you.
How do you overcome, without any love?

Sunday, March 20, 2005

"Suppose I were to disagree..."

You can't help but wonder our very existence. The purpose of our being. We cannot be an accident. Too well planned out to be an accident. But then why are we here? To give a test to prove our worthiness upon return...but why be created in the first place? What purpose do we serve?
I do not know...

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Gone Fishing.

The mind will wander as it always does.
Losing its way and yet heading for that Eternal plain.

I shall find it one day.
One day it shall be found.

But what then?
Will it all be for none?

Will my existence come to an end,
Just as swiftly as it had begun?

I shall walk for miles.
I shall walk till the end.

Till that day when it's all for none.
And I shall smile at God and say: "I am here"

Saturday, January 29, 2005

"I'm losing my religion..."

Perpetually at war we are.

The eternal struggle to prove the righteousness of one decree in Faith. It is the human ego at war. Every man believes that his path in Faith is the righteous one. Once that is established in his mind he will then go to all lengths to make the world bend to his will. That's right "his" will. Faith has nothing to do with it. He will use religion as just another excuse to dominate all others.

There is only one Truth. And even though not all of us believe in the same truth there will come a time when the Truth will become undeniable. Wait for that time with patience and fortitude.

And until that time, let your Faith become hope for humanity and not a means to end it.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Every Man's Prejudice(2)...

Tell a man his imperfections and you will gain insight into his ego.

Man is in denial. An utter state of denial.
His belief is in his mis-understanding of himself. He cannot be anything other than what he believes himself to be: perfect.

But wait for that day. That fateful day and all shall be revealed. And to his shame, he will find the contrary to be true.
For on that day it will dawn on him and a harsh acceptance shall be thrust upon his ego. He may choose to open his mind to it, or he may close his heart upon it forever...or atleast he can try.

No heart can exist forever in candid denial.

(This post was actually a result of a blog error. I thought I had lost the previous entry so I had to re-write it. It's a nice example of the same thought re-written)

Every Man's Prejudice...

I've said it before and I'll say it again; no man is perfect.

Every man has that one thing, that one integral thing that defines his imperfection. It is evident in some but hidden in most.

Human beings don't like admitting to their imperfections. But in not admitting their imperfections human beings do themselves a great dis-service.

All our lives we strive to gain the highest respect in the eyes of those around us and in the process, hiding our imperfections relentlessly. But what we do not realise is that It cannot be done forever. One day our imperfections shall be revealed and on that day we will be unveiled for what we truly are: Human.

Being human is not necessarily a handicap even though it means existing in a state of perpetual imperfection. For it is in this imperfection that exists our true potential.

It is this imperfection that has, over the centuries, created the course of human progress, in which humanity strives constantly (despite the lackings embedded within it) to better itself and the world it exists in. Such imperfection is incredibly valuable; nay, priceless!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

See into the Heart of your Enemy.

It's easy to hate from a distance. From afar people tend to appear ruthlessly mean, pretentious, rude, materialistic, cocky and cheap.

But to look at a person up-close is to truly get get to the heart of it all.

The question is, why would any man carry such burdens of evil within him willingly?

A heart must have been through much suffering to force it to carry such burdens just so it would never have to suffer again...

'Tis a very sad heart. A very lonely heart.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I dreamt of the sea....

Blue it was.
Eternally blue.

With depth
that could swallow,
all of humanity.

But it did not.

It stayed in its place,
(blue as it was)
with all its wisdom.

Pondering its own existence.

I asked the sea,
"Why do you ponder so?
Is your existence
not plain to thee?".

The blue sea smiled,
its wonderful blue smile

and answered back to me;

"Dear little child,
you are young and I very old.

I have lived an eternity,
maybe even more.

Yet I still see within me,
wonders I did not know

and I am humbled".

"Is that why
you do not swallow humanity?",
asked I.

The blue sea smiled,
its curious blue smile,

and said to me:

"Nay child,
I would not swallow humanity.
I possess no such power.

For I am but the deep blue sea
and nothing more.

I too shall be overcome."

"I dreamt of the Sea" (c) Copyrighted to Shehla Naz Faizi

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Tsunami that shakes the very Faith inside...

You see all the pain and suffering within this world and you wonder: "Where is God", "If He is truly such a loving God, how can He let all this suffering exist within the world."

We blame God for everything.

I do not deny that God has power over everything and everything good or evil happens because He allows it to be. But then we have been granted a will as well. True we cannot always alter what happens around us but we are not as helpless as we like to believe we are.
We have been granted the strength, the courage and the determination to challenge all the odds, to stand tall even in the face of defeat.

Tragedy befalls humanity not to weaken it, but to challenge the very will that it holds within it. When the human will bravely faces adversity, it only makes it stronger. And with a strengthened will, humanity moves forth into that which is the unknown.
Undoubtedly hearts will break and tears will fall by the millions but it must be done. For our own betterment, it must be done

Terrible anguish is suffered by the child when it is released from it's womb. In a state of anger, despair, confusion and so cold is that child, but it must be done.

And do not forget who endures the most pain...